The Importance of Re-Keying Your Home

5 Safety Concerns For Your Business Entrance

For most small business owners workplace safety is at the top of the list of concerns, yet you may be overlooking some safety issues with the one area that every single employee uses at least twice a day. The entrance to your workplace can pose several hazards if it isn't properly maintained.

#1: Sticking locks

The lock on your entry door should work smoothly. This means the deadbolt slides in and out of the frame effortlessly and that the key is easy to turn. If an employee has to jiggle or force the key, there is a chance that the key to break off in the lock or come free unexpectedly – can cause injury. An improperly locking door can also be forced open, which can put staff in danger since a robbery could occur via the back entrance where it is unexpected.

#2: Loose rugs

Wet floors are a slipping hazard, but loose doormats and entry rugs aren't much better. There are a couple of options when it comes to this problem. The easiest is to invest in heavy-weight nonslip rugs that don't move or bunch up. Another option is to have a rug panel installed permanently on the floor.

#3: Proper signage

You must make sure the emergency signage on your entrances and exits are up to date – not only is it code it is also a safety issue. Make sure the exit light bulbs are working properly, and that signs are easy to see. The signs should be on a backup battery in the event the building has to be evacuated when there is no power.

#4: Creaking hinges

Are the hinges on the door sticking or creaking? If so, it's time to have them oiled and serviced. Sticking or breaking hinges can lead to injury if an employee has to physically force open the door. It can also impede leaving the building in the event of an emergency.

#5: Broken entry pads

If you have a secured entrance, make sure the card reader or keypad is in proper working order. Not only can a malfunctioning entry pad lead to an accidental lockout, but it can also let the wrong person in. This can lead to a dangerous situation for your staff.

Tend to minor issues with the entryway to increase safety, and also check out a website like for more information and assistance with your business' entrance. 
